Tuesday, August 12, 2008


What you sow, you shall reap. When you deposit, you can withdraw.

These are some of the golden principles that we can apply in teaching. Some teachers are greatly loved by a lot of students. Their students respect and admire them. What are their secrets?

I remember my high school days, I have encountered a lot of good teachers. When I say good teachers it means they are effective teachers. I have learned a lot of things from them. But one of my mathematics teachers, Mrs. Reyes, surpassed the others.

I have learned a lot of things from Ma’am Reyes. I saw her passion for teaching. I felt her concern for us. I remember during our math class, she was always giving us challenging math problems like the area of the shaded portion, that’s my favorite topic! She used to encourage us to be patient in solving math problems. I saw her dedication in teaching. She spent a lot time, even her personal time, in training her students for math competitions. She also has a big heart in sharing her knowledge to other teachers. Truly, she is an exceptional teacher for me. Her ways of teaching challenged and inspired me to explore and love mathematics more, and that is the reason why I decided to be a math teacher.

What is in her? It is her passion for teaching mathematics and her love for her students that made the difference.

Let us show our students our passion for teaching. Show them our love and concern for them even in small things. Allow them to realize and appreciate that we are doing everything to give them quality education. Let them feel that we care for their future. Encourage them to be enthusiastic to learn not just the subject we teach but also the ways on how they can improve themselves.

If we deposit love and concern to our students, we can withdraw their trust and respect.

If we sow good things to our students, we can reap excellent things from them.

Let us be passionate teachers! Let us love and enjoy our mission

“Teaching is our calling, it’s our God-given mission”. (ALBERT T. SAUL/Math Teacher/San Pablo City Science High School)

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